A Statistical Approach for Functional Reach-to-Grasp Segmentation Using a Single Inertial Measurement Unit

Gregorio Dotti, Marco Caruso, Daniele Fortunato, Marco Knaflitz, Andrea Cereatti and Marco Ghislieri

The aim of this contribution is to present a segmentation method for the identification of voluntary movements from inertial data acquired through a single inertial measurement unit placed on the subject’s wrist. Inertial data were recorded from 25 healthy subjects while performing 75 consecutive reach-to-grasp movements. The approach herein presented, called DynAMoS, is based on an adaptive thresholding step on the angular velocity norm, followed by a statistics-based post-processing on the movement duration distribution. Post-processing aims at reducing the number of erroneous transitions in the movement segmentation. We assessed the segmentation quality of this method using a stereophotogrammetric system as the gold standard. Two popular methods already presented in the literature were compared to DynAMoS in terms of the number of movements identified, onset and offset mean absolute errors, and movement duration. Moreover, we analyzed the sub-phase durations of the drinking movement to further characterize the task. The results show that the proposed method performs significantly better than the two state-of-the-art approaches (i.e., percentage of erroneous movements = 3%; onset and offset mean absolute error < 0.08 s), suggesting that DynAMoS could make more effective home monitoring applications for assessing the motion improvements of patients following domicile rehabilitation protocols.

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